Stacy Pizarro's dancer portfolio & gallery

The acclaimed costarican dancer Stacy Pizarro. A simple design yet effective to get the point across: how outstanding is Stacy's work. The web page sports an elegant, minimalist design with core routes such as a bio, a gallery, a projects section with each having their own page and a contact page. It has an admin route where she can modify her current photos displayed on all pages and perform all sorts of CRUD operations.

The front-end was built on SvelteKit using TypeScript. The styling was tailor-made for her using TailwindCSS and deployed on Vercel. It uses JWTs for authentication and authorization.

The backend consists on a series of .NET web APIs microservices containerized with Docker and communicated via RabbitMQ. All requests are handled by nginx as a reverse proxy and load balancer and it manages its assets using Cloudinary and a combination of MSSQL and PostgresQL using Entity Framework. All this hosted on a VPS instead of common hosting services.

You can check it out here!


TypeScript Svelte TailwindCSS

PostgreSQL .NET NGINX Docker RabbitMQ


Entre Hielo y Fuego catering service

A traditional MERN single-page application. Created for a Chilean catering business that previously relied on a manual quoting and booking system. The design and flow of the page consist of a cart and various services provided by EHyF, all with their corresponding categories and filtering options. It has administrative functions for managing products and modifying any of their attributes. As a client, you can check your orders' details.

The front-end was built with React using JavaScript as an initial exploratory project. The styling was done using Tailwind CSS, and it is deployed on Render. The design is mobile-first, targeting the business's clients. The images are hosted on imgur.

The back-end consists of a Node.js/Express monolith. The database is MongoDB, and it employs Mongoose as a wrapper over native MongoDB drivers for schema validations and easier transactions on CRUD operations.

You can check it out here!


JavaScript React TailwindCSS

Node.js Express MongoDB Mongoose


Screenshots of Entre Hielo y Fuego's website © 2024